You chose: dino borri

You chose: dino borri

  • Dining in & out
    Dino Borri(July 12, 2019)
    Butter goes back to the beginning of human history. High in fat, butter should be consumed bearing in mind your daily calorie intake. That said, its fats are precious nutrients that are easily digested and rapidly absorbed, and therefore beneficial for those who lead an active life or play sports and require backup energy. It is particularly good for children, kids, and athletes.
  • Three different kinds of wheat and rye flour.
    Flour has always been a primary source of nutrition for humans, especially Italians, especially because flour is used to make bread and pasta, two staples of the Mediterranean diet.
  • Pietro Longhi, La polenta
    Dining in & out
    Dino Borri(January 20, 2019)
    Deep roots for a product that Christopher Columbus brought over from Europe to America. Indigenous peoples first prepared it using cornmeal and water.
  • Quale miglior modo per celebrare il decimo anniversario della fondazione di Eataly, il più grande mercato di prodotti italiani nel mondo, se non con un brindisi! La bella cornice di Eataly NYC Downtown, presso il World Trade Center, si è trasformata per l’occasione in un grande vigneto che ha ospitato la tappa newyorchese di Slow Wine 2017, l’evento itinerante che ogni anno offre ai piccoli e medi produttori di vini italiani l’occasione di farsi conoscere nei grandi mercati internazionali.
  • Facts & Stories
    Tommaso Cartia(February 07, 2017)
    Eataly is the biggest market for Italian products in the world, so what better way to celebrate its tenth anniversary than with a toast? For this occasion, the beautiful Eataly NYC Downtown location was transformed into a vineyard to host Slow Wine 2017’s New York event. Every year the traveling Slow Wine event offers small and medium-sized Italian wine producers the chance to present themselves to the international market.
  • Quale miglior modo per celebrare il decimo anniversario della fondazione di Eataly, il più grande mercato di prodotti italiani nel mondo, se non con un brindisi! La bella cornice di Eataly NYC Downtown, presso il World Trade Center, si è trasformata per l’occasione in un grande vigneto che ha ospitato la tappa newyorchese di Slow Wine 2017, l’evento itinerante che ogni anno offre ai piccoli e medi produttori di vini italiani l’occasione di farsi conoscere nei grandi mercati internazionali.
  • Origini antichissime per un prodotto che Cristoforo Colombo portò in Europa dall'America. Nasce con gli indigeni che preparavano una ricetta a base di farina di mais e acqua.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Dino Borri(April 21, 2016)
    The business of using fraudulent names or images to evoke Italy has hit stratospheric numbers. Never before has the problem of “Italian sounding” been so, well, audible.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Dino Borri(February 26, 2016)
    Six out of ten people in the world subsist on rice; after wheat, it’s the most consumed grain, providing more than half the world’s population with over 50% of its calories. Nearly all rice production—94%—is concentrated in the Far East, and a good 8,000 varieties are known and grouped by grain length.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Dino Borri(November 26, 2014)
    Learning to distinguish between the different types of flour is important, since not all flours work equally well for making bread and pasta.
