You chose: Consul General of Italy Francesco Genuardi

You chose: Consul General of Italy Francesco Genuardi

  • Al Consolato Generale d’Italia sono in mostra i quadri di “The art of living togheter - Exhibition” della Comunità di Sant'Egidio. L'esibizione è stata realizzata da artisti "speciali" coll'intento di sensibilizzare il pubblico ad aiutare i più deboli e chi ne ha bisogno.
  • From the left: Dolores Alfieri, Mickela Mallozzi, Terry Paladini Baumgarten, Josepine A. Maietta, Rev Msgr Hilary Franco, Matilda Raffa Cuomo, Mirko M Notarangelo, Joseph Guagliardo.
    On May 4, the Association of Italian American Educators with its President Cav. Josephine A. Maietta celebrated their annual Awards and Scholarship Ceremony at the Consulate General of Italy in New York. An important occasion to highlight the Italian language and culture and to encourage the young generations to keep on studying and nurturing them. Special awardees and guests of the night included Consul General of Italy Francesco Genuardi; Dolores Alfieri, Director of Italian American Affairs, who spoke on behalf of Governor Andrew Cuomo; Former First Lady of NY Matilda Raffa Cuomo; Rev. Msgr. Hilary C. Franco, Advisor Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations; Terry Paladini-Baumgarten, the Founder of the FiDi Lion’s Club; Cav. Dott. Joseph A. Guagliardo, President of The Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations and Dott. Mirko M. Notarangelo, Art Director, and Producer for Multimedia Educational Activities.