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You chose: charity

  • Indixia presents Global Love, a love-themed exhibition and charity auction, in Chelsea’s Sundaram Tagore Gallery, featuring unique works by numerous international artists and designers with the goal to fund arts education in India and to help disadvantaged and disenfranchised women in Afghanistan to gain independence, education, and livable wages.
  • Facts & Stories
    N. C.(October 18, 2017)
    The Italian luxury fashion brand has taken a step forward to rise up against animal cruelty and to protect animals' rights, along with Armani, Hugo Boss, Stella McCartney, H&M, and many others.
  • Facts & Stories
    Mario Gates(October 19, 2011)
    The Catholic charity Caritas announced that there has been a 80.8% rise in requests for help at its offices across Italy during the four years of economic crisis from 2007 to 2010. Most requests were for help in getting out of poverty while some sought assistance in getting jobs or solving family issues.