You chose: centro primo levi

You chose: centro primo levi

  • After a strong November debut at the Pitigliani Kolno’s Festival in Rome, director Valerio Ciriaci’s film Iom Romi (A Day in Rome) will be screened at Film Society of Lincoln Center on Jan. 21 (4:30pm). Ciriaci will hold a Q&A session at the end of the film, joined by executive producers Natalia Idrimi and Alessandro Cassin.
  • Everyone knows that Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE. But most people do not appreciate how much, in the period before the War, Rome also built up Jerusalem, serving as a valuable ally and as a stabilizing force during the interminable Hasmonean family fights over who would be high priest. This evening together we will explore both the good and the bad in the the highly charged relationship between these two Eternal Cities. Join historian Paula Fredriksen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) on a fascinating journey into the formative era of Western Judaism.
  • International Holocaust Remembrance Day is on Friday January 27th
    The Primo Levi Center is collaborating with the most influential Italian-American institutions in New York City to pay tribute to those who tragically lost their lives during the Holocaust and to use this time for reflection.
  • Centro Primo Levi and the Italian Cultural Institute of New York present a new volume of lectures and interviews that Bassani gave between 1966 and 1972: New York Lectures and Interviews, by Giorgio Bassani, CPL EDITIONS, 2016.
  • Events: Reports
    (March 10, 2016)
    March 23, 5:30 pm @ the Italian Academy at Columbia Film screening: What the Allies Knew (2015) by Virginie Linhart, produced by Cinetevè, historical supervision by Henry Rousso. Following a panel with Umberto Gentiloni (University of Rome and author of Bombardare Auschwitz ?, 2015), Marianne Hirsch (Columbia University). Moderator: Yasmine Ergas (Columbia University). With the participation of Fabienne Servan-Schreiber (producer).
  • On January 27, the “Giorno Della Memoria” (or Holocaust Memorial Day), will be celebrated in Italy for the 15th year, perhaps enough to make a provisional assessment and some reflections. Meanwhile in New York City, a civil ceremony will take place outdoors, in front of the Italian Consulate. Starting in the morning and extending into the day, we will read the names of each one of the roughly 9,000 Jews deported from Italy and the Italian occupied areas.
  • i Italy|NY Season 6 Episode 6 Trailer
    Events: Reports
    (May 22, 2015)
    The trailer - Airing this Saturday @11.30pm and Sunday @1pm with Renzo Piano, Stefano Albertini, Giuseppe and Francesca Lavazza, Antonio Monda and Davide Azzolini, Centro Primo Levi on NYC Life - Ch 25 and 22 throughout the New York City metropolitan area
  • Salon/Sanctuary Concerts offers the New York public the opportunity to “travel” to Medieval Florence, Italy through two extraordinary musical performances featuring an organist from the Duomo of Florence and a globally acclaimed countertenor from across the Atlantic.
