You chose: bob dylan

You chose: bob dylan

  • The prince of singer-songwriters and his concert at The Town Hall in New York. Slender and refined, he graced the audience with moments of great depth and intensity. An encore and at the end, De Gregori, together with his wife Alessandra Gobbi, sang the audience a special Neapolitan song.
  • Il concerto al The Town Hall di New York del principe dei cantautori. Esile e raffinato ha regalato momenti di grande intensità e profondità. Bis, tris, e alla fine il regalo di una canzone napoletana insieme alla moglie, Alessandra Gobbi
  • Francesco De Gregori and Stefano Albertini at Casa Italiana. Photo by Shushu Chen
    After making his US debut in Boston Nov. 5, Francesco De Gregori arrived in New York on Nov. 6 to perform for the first time. On the night before the show, he stopped by NYU’s Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò for a conversation with Stefano Albertini. FULL VIDEO INSIDE THE ARTICLE
  • The famous Italian songwriter and musician just left for a tour that will reach beyond Italy and Europe. For the first time ever, the show will reach the United States. We had the chance to interview him before his concert at the Bataclan in Paris. He told us about the tour, his new album, his approaching debut in the US, and the status of contemporary Italian music.
  • Francesco De Gregori in concerto
    Lo storico cantautore e musicista italiano è appena partito per una tournée nei club di ampio respiro che toccherà oltre l'Italia e l'Europa, anche, e per la prima volta assoluta, gli Stati Uniti. Abbiamo avuto occasione di intervistarlo prima del suo concerto al Bataclan di Parigi, e ci ha raccontato della tournée, del nuovo album, del suo prossimo debutto negli US e dello status della musica italiana contemporanea.
  • Appearances in Boston and New York in November for Italy’s “Prince of Singer-Songwriters”. After an award-winning career spanning nearly 50 years, De Gregori will finally make his US debut in November.
  • Fabrizio de André, the so-called Italian Bob Dylan.
    NYU’s Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò hosted a traveling tribute to de André, an icon of Italian music. The idea was born out of the publication of Ferdinando Molteni’s and Alfonso Amodio’s book titled Controsole. Fabrizio De André e crêuza de mä.