You chose: aretuska

You chose: aretuska

  • Art & Culture
    George De Stefano(October 15, 2009)
    Roy Paci & his Band Aretuska and the Sun in concert. The fight for legality and the struggle against the Mafia with ANFE. The opportunity to catch Paci and Aretuska perform was not one I could miss. I’ve been a fan of Paci for several years...
  • Tuesday, October 13 2009, 6:00 pm. Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò (NYU) will host an informal conversation with Roy Paci & Aretusca, Mauro Pagani, Marco Cappelli and the “Sun”. Between a performance and another, they will talk about their musical roots and their personal experiences as artists focused on reinterpreting Italian musical tradition in a contemporary key