You chose: anfe

You chose: anfe

  • Il convegno - organizzato a Palermo - è stato fortemente voluto dall'ANFE e dal suo presidente Gaetano Calà. Con grande affluenza di pubblico - vista l'importanza e attualità dei temi trattati - presenti importanti relatori istituzionali e del mondo associazionistico italiano, ha visto anche la partecipazione in diretta da New York dell'avvocato, specializzato in tematiche legate all'emigrazione, Annalisa Liuzzo.
  • On June 10, 2010 the National Organization of Italian American Women celebrated its 30th Anniversary. Guests of honor were Lidia Bastianich and her family, "for being such an outstanding example of an Italian American family and for successfully promoting our heritage". For the occasion five young Italian-American women were awarded $5,000 NOIAW scholarships as a contribution and encouragement to pursue their studies
  • On June 11 the Calandra Italian American Institute, in collaboration with ANFE-Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Emigranti and i-Italy, will host the New York presentation of the IV Edition of the SalinaDocFest (September 12-19, 2010). Don't miss the opportunity to meet renowned Italian director Giovanna Taviani, watch her internationally acclaimed documentary "I nostri 30 anni. Generazioni a confronto". Our 30 years. Generations face to face" and follow her debate with the Italian-American director Nancy Savoca!
  • Interviste: Pietro Grasso
    Antimafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso visits New York to celebrate the anniversary of Petrosino's death and present his book "Per non morire di Mafia" (As to not be killed by the Mafia), based on an interview with Alberto La Volpe to promote legality
  • October 15, 2009 - John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The conference “Joe Petrosino: The New Sicily 100 Years After His Death”, focused on the history of the Mafia in Sicily and in the United States, and the progress made up until today to fight it. Among the speakers, the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Pietro Grasso, the President and Founder of Libera, Don Ciotti, and the First Deputy NYC Police Commissioner George A. Grasso
  • Art & Culture
    George De Stefano(October 15, 2009)
    Roy Paci & his Band Aretuska and the Sun in concert. The fight for legality and the struggle against the Mafia with ANFE. The opportunity to catch Paci and Aretuska perform was not one I could miss. I’ve been a fan of Paci for several years...
  • New York, October 12. I-italy attended the Columbus Day Parade on 5th Avenue together with the delegation of the Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Emigranti - National Association of Emigrant Families (ANFE) - led by its National President Learco Saporito and Mr. Gaetano Calà, Director of the Migration Policy Office of ANFE's Sicilian branch. Thousands of people of all nationalities, generations and cultures stopped by to celebrate the 517th anniversary of the discovery of America by the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.
  • Italy's National Association of Migrant Families (ANFE), is in New York for the Italian Heritage and Culture Month with a very busy ageda of meetings, conferences, and encounters. All the events scheduled are dedicated to the figure of Joe Petrosino and to the theme of legality and anti-Mafia struggle in Sicily and in Italy more generally. Participating in the events are the Governor of Sicily Hon. Raffaele Lombardo, the National Anti-Mafia Attorney Mr. Pietro Grasso, and well-known jurnalists, academics, and musicians from Italy and the U.S.