The Amerigo Vespucci Ship Lands in the States
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On the 19th of April the ‘most beautiful ship in the world’ set sail from the Italian Naval Base in La Spezia, to start the Training Campaign 2017 and visited so far two ports in Portugal (Sines and Funchal), then, after 20 days of navigation across the Atlantic ocean, Hamilton, in the Bermuda islands, and three ports of call in Canada: Halifax, Montreal and Quebec City.
During a port visit in Montreal (Canada) the 79 on-term volunteers (VFP4) of the 24th Course which had been on board since the unmooring from La Spezia, were replaced by the 125 Italian Naval Academy of Livorno (including 11 foreign cadets).
Navy cadets learn the basics of seamanship, they put into practice what has been studied so far in the books bygetting familiar with the marine equipment, climbing up the masts, and using the sextant to calculate the position of the ship with the stars. They all have been splendidly promoting the Italian excellence and will go on upholding the prestige of the Italian Navy abroad through cultural and promotional events in collaboration with our diplomatic representations in host countries.
More than 22 000 visitors in the various ports have had the opportunity to appreciate her style, which is one of kind, and her fascinating timeless beauty.
On Tuesday, July 18th at 4:00 local time (22:00 in Italy), the Commanding Officer of the Vespucci, Captain Angelo Patruno, will hold a press conference on board to present the ship and the Training Campaign 2017. The Italian Ambassador to the US, Armando Varricchio, will be attending the press conference scheduled to take place on board the ship on July 18th at 4PM. He will give brief remarks.
After Boston, the Amerigo Vespucci will proceed to New York, continue to represent our country and ‘made in Italy,’ an unusual port of call for the Italian Navy. Media coverage of the Training Campaign 2017 will be provided by RAI (RAI Italia and Linea Blu), Radio Rtl 102.5, RTV San MARINO, La Stampa, and Il Secolo XIX.
During her stay in Boston, the Italian Navy Tall Ship Amerigo Vespucci will be moored at the World Trade Center Pier and will be open to the public on the following dates/times:
Tuesday 18 July: 4:00pm The Commanding Officer of the Vespucci, Captain Angelo Patruno, will hold a press conference on board to present the ship and the 2017 Training Campaign. The Italian Ambassador to the US, Armando Varricchio, will be attending the press conference scheduled to take place on board the ship and give brief remarks.
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 19 July: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 20 July: 10:30am - 1:00pm
Friday 21 July: 10:30am - 1:00pm and 3:30pm - 6:30pm
The Amerigo Vespucci
The Vespucci and her ‘sister ship’ Cristoforo Colombo were designed by the Marine Engineer Major Francesco Rotundi, director of the shipyards of Castellammare di Stabia, near Naples in Italy. The ship was launched on February 22nd 1931 since then, she has always performed her core training activity for the Italian Naval Academy cadets. From 2014 to 2016, the Vespucci underwent a major overhaul period, aimed at restoring operational effectiveness and upgrading accommodation areas and facilities. More efficient and eco-friendly electric power and propulsion systems were installed, reflecting the Italian Navy’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
For the Vespucci’s ’rejuvenation’ and ‘restyling’, the shipyard workers cooperated in full synergy with the ship’s crew, under the coordination of the La Spezia Naval Shipyard technical direction notably its Shipyard studies Department.
Since her entry into service, the ship has carried out training activities every year (except for the year 1940, due to war events, and the years 1964, 1973, 1997 and 2014 to 2016 when she underwent major overhaul periods), providing training to the Naval Academy cadets, but also to on-term volunteers and students of the ’Francesco Morosini’ Naval Military School. The Amerigo Vespucci has been a UNICEF goodwill ambassador since September 2007.
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