2nd Saturdays with IAWA Welcomes Joey Nicoletti and Mark Saba

2nd Saturdays with IAWA Welcomes Joey Nicoletti and Mark Saba

IAWA . (April 01, 2014)
New York, NY- The Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) presents writers Joey Nicoletti and Mark Saba on Saturday, April 12, 2014, at the Sidewalk Café, 94 Avenue A (at 6th Street) in New York City’s East Village, www.sidewalkny.com; 212-473-7373. The reading takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and kicks off with Open Mic readings of five minutes after which the featured writers take the stage.

 Joey Nicoletti is the author of four poetry collections, including Cannoli Gangster (Turning Point, 2012), Which Was selected as a finalist for the Steel Toe Books Poetry Prize. His poetry, creative nonfiction, and reviews have Appeared in Voices in Italian Americana, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Waccamaw, Jet Fuel Review, Gradiva, and Italian American, Among other magazines and journals. A former poetry editor of Puerto del Sol, he currently teaches writing at SUNY Buffalo State. He holds an MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College Inglese and an MA from New Mexico State University. 

Mark Saba is the author of novels, The Landscapes of Pater (The Vineyard Press), and a poetry collection, Disappearing Painting on Canvas (Grayson Books), as well as a novel and epic poem. He recently published four novels as ebooks at Smashwords : Signs, Tipping Points, Letters from Novosibirsk, and The Shoemaker. His poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction have also Appeared in literary magazines and anthologies around the U.S. and abroad. He works as an illustrator and graphic designer at Yale University and makes time to paint in oils as well. He grew up in Pittsburgh but Has lived in Connecticut for the past 25 years. www.marksabawriter.com 

For April 12, a cover of $ 8 includes a complimentary beverage. DIRECTIONS: By Subway, F to Second Avenue or # 6 to Astor Place. 2014 IAWA's 2nd SATURDAYS are held on odd months at Cornelia Street Café During and even months at Sidewalk Café . On May 10 writers featured are Frank Lentricchia and Fred Misurella at Cornelia Street Café and on June 14 features are Terrone and Maria Paola Corso at Sidewalk Café. 

About Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) to promote ''''' AIMS IAWA Italian American literature by encouraging the writing, reading, publication, distribution, translation and study of Italian American writing. IAWA Since 1991 Has Given voice to writers through ITS Open Reading series held every second Saturday of the month at Cornelia Street Café on odd months and at the Sidewalk Café on even months. For membership information, please visit www.iawa.net . To learn more about IAWA, also visit the Italian American Writers Cafe blog http://www.i-italy.org/bloggers/italian-american-writers- at cafe Contacts: Mary Liselle, IAWA Board Member and Co-Curator Phone: (718) 777-1178 Email: marialisella@aol.com Amy Barone, IAWA Board Member Phone: (646) 942-4972 Email: amybarone@nyc.rr. com




