Finding the Right Words?
A few days ago, while watching Al Jazeera, or was it the dreaded Russian Television Network (RTN) during lunch, I was not at all surprised to hear that the most-articulate-ever President of the United States of America, or POTUS as some refer to him, had embarrassed us, the Suffering People of the United States, or SPOTUS, again. Unlike his Kenyan-born Muslim presidential predecessor, there is never any doubt that he alone among all others truly says what he means.This time, he was heard muttering something scatologically unmentionable about “depressions into which manure is deposited.”
Given his choice of dirty words, maybe we should refer to him as PPOTUS – Pottymouth President of the United States. According to comedian George Carlin, the original Federal Communication Commission’s forbidden seven dirty words were:c**ksucker, c*nt, f*ck, mother*cker, p*ss, s**t, and t*ts, so, oratorically-speaking, PPOTUS has a long way yet to go.
As reported by CNN reporters Eli Watkins and Abby Phillip, his remarks were made in a White House meeting during which Illinois Democratic Party Senator Dick Durbin and Republican Party South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham brought him a bi-partisan plan for the State Department to halve the number of visas offered in the lottery program. In addition, “at the behest of the Congressional Black Caucus, the rest would go to underrepresented countries in Africa and Temporary Protective Status nations, including Haiti.” (see >> )
According to many other auditory witnesses, in response to the suggestions, PPOTUS, muttered a few impertinent enquiries such as: "Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?" and "Why do we need more Haitians?” My confidence in the veracity of the overheard comments was increased by a December 2017 report in The New York Times about comments he made at a June, 2017 meeting. Most notably that Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS," and “recent Nigerian immigrants would never "go back to their huts" in Africa” once they got here Following form, White House spokespersons also denied these earlier fake unkind cuts. Most amusingly, “One person briefed on the meeting said when Durbin got to Haiti, Trump began to ask why we want people from Haiti and more Africans in the US and added that the US should get more people from countries like Norway.” (More on this later in this missive.)
Of course, PPOTUS immediately tweeted denials, insisting that what several others at the meeting clearly heard him say were false auditory memories. Such verbal and digital misconduct is not unexpected from PPOTUS as he has a long history of prevarication as well as various derelictions of Presidential duties. I however I shall refrain from fouling these pages with similarly smelly smears.
His most recent blurt slurred Haitians and Africans, but his s***t list is much longer than that. I need not mention soon-to-be-expelled-and-then-walled-out Mexicans, Salvadorans, and similarly maligned Latinos. Looking at his recent colorful remarks, his preference for lighter-skinned Nordic folks, makes a great deal of sense. It is well-known that colorblindness is not one among his other physiological faults, such as short-fingeredness.
According to my DNA Kit, forty-eight percent of me is shared by Southern Italians, forty-six percent is shared with East/Central Europeans, four percent with North Africans, and two percent with Asians. I must admit that when my grandparents passed through the Golden Door in the 1880s, the U.S.A. was still distinguishing between Northern (lighter and better) and Southern (darker and worser) Italians. However, I do have a complex connection to some sort of Norwegians. A gift from a least one previous resident of the Norman castle in my mom’s parents’ hometown of Marineo, near Palermo, Sicily are my Sinatra-like beautiful blue eyes. For confirmation though, I'll have to check my entire genome.
The most embarrassing fact about PPOTUS’ oral antics is how widely they are shared among my fellow Americans. If we extrapolate from the results of the 2016 Presidential election almost one out of every two Americans is also a s**t head. On these I-Italy/org pages, I have penned, or rather Word-processed, several pieces on the unfortunate fact that PPOTUS continues to enjoy strong support from much more than half of those Americans with whom I share much too much of my DNA. Thank god for Italian Americans of the Other Kind such as Andrew Cuomo, Bill DeBlasio, Nancy Pelosi and Janet Napolitano who still remember where their genes come from.
I am not an expert on PPOTUS’ utterances, and when I hear or read his name I quickly shut down the source. Frankly, I don’t know why people who call themselves “journalists” attend pseudo-press conferences, or why they think there is “another side” to the U.S. Bill of Rights which they call “balance.” I don’t hate PPOTUS. I am sure he had no idea how wrong-headed American voters could be. Right now, he himself is some big S**T and I hope, for both our and his sake that he figures out a way to climb out of it before we all drown in it
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