It's not Only About the Oil…
An amazing space, delicious food and drinks, and great company. This is how Giovanni Colavita, CEO of Colavita USA, decided to launch the very first “Artisans of The Table” dinner.
In the heart of Soho, and to be more precise at the Scott Conant Culinary Suite on Broadway, Colavita took the opportunity not only enjoy the company of many friends but also to present to the media and discuss the inception of Colavita wines into the market, an initiative that was born one year ago thanks to an innovative collaboration with the luxury wine leader Terlato Wines International.
Indeed, in July of 2013, the two brands announced a joint venture and created a collection of super-premium Italian wines.
This special evening was the perfect moment for Colavita not only to present the premium collection of wine, but also to share his family history and their agricultural heritage and passion for “hand crafting” that has been with them for many, many years.
“Today we present to the media the 2014 selection of the four wines that we launched at the end of last year, “ said Giovanni Colavita. “We chose Terlato as our partner to manage this market, which is both a family and a company that shares our, same values “
“I think the Colavita family has always had a great deal of passion and commitment towards quality in the food world,” affirmed Kanchan Kinkade, Director of Public Relations for Terlato wines. “They saw a similar commitment with the Terlatos.
Terlato has been making wine and have such a passion for the discovery of new varietals and they thought that this was a natural partnership and we are excited to be working with the Colavita family.”
There were four Colavita wines that accompanied all the delicious courses prepared for the guests by the Chef: Colavita Pinot Grigio di Trentino, Colavita Verdicchio di Matelica, Pinot Noir and Valpolicella Ripasso.
At the dinner, Colavita invited two special guests who shared some insights not only about the Colavita wines but also about the “table experience” in terms of food and design.
Erica Duecy, wine and spirits writer, author and columnist who first delighted the guests by offering one of her last creations, the Nonino Spritz, and then, during the dinner, gave everyone some interesting insights about the Colavita wines.
“The Colavita wines are fantastic for summer time entertaining because they are absolutely made to go with food,” said Erica. “When you try them, you are going to notice that they really come alive with everything that you are eating, a fresh salad or barbecued dishes. They are also very affordable wines so you can use them for everyday entertaining and I think they are going to do quite well in the American market.”
In addition, another artisan, Jono Pandolfi, known for his designs of dinnerware and collaborations with famous chefs, not only brought some exclusive pieces he made but he provided the guests with some perspectives on how a serving dish like a plate, a cup or a carafe can shape the dining experience, turning it into something very special.
With the presentation of the 2014 selection of the wines, Colavita could not have chosen a better way to welcome the summer, bringing some freshness to our tables and style into our lives.
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