You chose: valeria golino

You chose: valeria golino

  • Valeria Golino just received the Federico Fellini Platinum Award during the 2019 edition of Bif&st, the Bari International Film Festival. We sat down with the internationally renowned actress and director who will be presenting “Portrait d’une jeune fille en feu,” a film by Celine Sciamma at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. “I play my first ‘old lady’ part. Initially, I didn’t want to do this movie but Celine convinced me by saying that she couldn’t imagine any other actress in this role.” “I wanted to play the female leads in Hollywood but how could I compete with actresses such as Julia Roberts, Demi Moore and Uma Thurman?”
  • The 64th edition of the David di Donatello, Italy’s Academy Awards, saw the triumph of Matteo Garrone’s “Dogman”, which took home 9 awards. The Netflix film “Sulla Mia Pelle”, a documentary about Stefano Cucchi, the young roman man who died under custody in 2009, likely as a consequence of police brutality, also fared well, winning 4 prizes including Best Male Actor for Alessandro Borghi.
  • Valeria Golino, always a diva on the red carpet
    Art & Culture
    Chiara Basso(December 12, 2018)
    Interview with the actress and director who presented in New York her second directorial effort, Euphoria. She talks about women and cinema in Italy and confides a desire: winning one day the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival in France. "It took me a long time to do what I wanted to do," she says, "not because I found it difficult as a woman. The problem came from within: I would call it self-censorship."
  • Arte e Cultura
    Chiara Basso(December 10, 2018)
    Intervista con l'attrice e regista che ha presentato a New York il secondo film da lei diretto, Euforia. Si racconta, parla delle donne ed il cinema, ci confida un suo desiderio: vincere la Palma d’Oro come Regista a Cannes."Ci ho messo molto tempo a fare quello che avrei voluto fare", dice, "non perché ho trovato difficoltà esterne in quanto donna. Il problema veniva da dentro: da donna mi autocensuravo".
  • The fourth annual “European Month of Culture” takes place this year throughout the month of May at various venues in New York and Washington, DC, including EU Embassies, and EU Cultural Institutes. The diverse cultures of the 28 European Union Member States are highlighted through musical performances, art exhibits, dance, film screenings, book readings, lectures, and workshops. Among these cultural events there is Panorama Europe 2016 (May 6-22 ), a European film festival at its the eighth edition, curated by David Schwartz, co-presented by the Museum of the Moving Image and the members of EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture).
  • Events: Reports
    I. I.(April 26, 2016)
    Panorama Europe 2016, the eighth edition of the essential festival of new and vital European cinema, co-presented by Museum of the Moving Image and the members of EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture), returns to the Museum and the Bohemian National Hall from May 6 through May 22 with a slate of nineteen exceptional new feature films.
  • Valeria Golino in her director debut of "Honey (Miele)", based on Mauro Covavich's novel "A Nome Tuo", a drama about euthanasia. Irene is a young woman who helps terminal patients with assisted suicide, working under the name of Miele ("Honey"). The film will open in NYC on March 7th at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center at Lincoln Center.
  • N.I.C.E. - New Italian Cinema Events – is back in the USA and its director discusses with i-Italy the difficulties of making cinema in a moment of economic and political crisis, the role of comedy, the new directors that are coming out and more.
  • NICE, New Italian Cinema Events, tributes this year's festival to actress Valeria Golino, an artist who contributed to make recent Italian cinema internationally known. At Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, Golino talked about her career, movies and her directorial debut