You chose: ravioli di carnevale

You chose: ravioli di carnevale

  • C'è una frase, in un celebre romanzo di Luigi Pirandello, che suona così: “Imparerai a tue spese che nel lungo tragitto della vita incontrerai tante maschere e pochi volti”. Nelle società moderne il Carnevale è la festa di tutto l'anno: indossiamo la maschera tutti i giorni. Ognuno ha la sua, anzi le sue, da quando inizia l'età della...ragione. La maschera non ce la togliamo nemmeno quando andiamo a letto. Mostriamo il volto nudo solo nel sogno; ma al mattino, insieme al vestito, prima di fare colazione, rimettiamo la maschera sul volto.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(February 12, 2019)
    Popular Carnival food in the city of Vasto (Abruzz0), these sweet tasting ravioli get their name because they are prepared according to an ancient traditional Carnival recipe, and are often served during this time of year. Due to their sweet characteristic at times they are also referred to as Ravioli Dolci.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(February 25, 2017)
    Popular Carnival food in the city of Vasto (Abruzz0), these sweet tasting ravioli get their name because they are prepared according to an ancient traditional Carnival recipe, and are often served during this time of year. Due to their sweet characteristic at times they are also referred to as Ravioli Dolci.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Rosanna Di Michele(February 05, 2015)
    Popular Carnival food in the city of Vasto (Abruzz0), these sweet tasting ravioli get their name because they are prepared according to an ancient traditional Carnival recipe, and are often served during this time of year. Due to their sweet characteristic at times they are also referred to as Ravioli Dolci.