You chose: leonardo

You chose: leonardo

  • The Institute of molecular bioimaging and physiology (IBFM) in collaboration with University of Milano and Milano-Bicocca University and supported by Fondazione Bracco, used new technology to reconstruct the artistic process that lead to the creation of some of the world’s most renowned artworks created inside the studio of Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Art & Culture
    Maria Klein(May 29, 2019)
    The exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci 3D," will will be held from May 30th to September 22nd in Milan, alongside the Cathedral of the Fabbrica del Vapore, shows the great Renaissance master like you've never seen him before.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci’s "St. Jerome in the Wilderness" is currently on view in a free exhibition organized by the Vatican Museums at the Braccio di Carlo Magno in St. Peter's Square. The painting is then set to travel across the Atlantic to New York City, to be exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum. Finally, it will (supposedly) be shipped over to Paris to be part of the Louvre’s Blockbuster Da Vinci show, organized in honor of the 500th anniversary of the artist’s death.
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory e Jacopo Rampini
    Grande successo e partecipazione, tutto esaurito, per la presentazione del corto “Being Leonardo Da Vinci”, diretto da Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, tenutasi il 9 ottobre alla Morgan Library & Museum, luogo simbolo in quanto custode di un raro disegno di Leonardo.
  • In occasione dei 500 anni dalla scomparsa del genio rinascimentale anteprima, alla Morgan Library di New York, del film "Being Leonardo da Vinci" di Massimiliano Finazzer Flory (9 ottobre 2018). Chi può non manchi di assistere poi, nel corso della sfilata del Columbus Day sulla Fifth Avenue, ad una rievocazione storica in costume (8 ottobre 2018)
  • As the city awaits sunshine and warmth, its cultural institutions welcome numerous Italian flavored events. The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts celebrates the life of Italian-American legend Frank Sinatra, while the Tribeca Film Festival brings to the US four Italian films, including the Taviani's latest masterpiece Wondrous Boccaccio.
  • In a challenging performance that has never before been attempted, I physically become Leonardo, wearing period costumes and reconstructive makeup to render a true likeness of the genius. “My” Leonardo answers 52 questions in the guise of philosopher, scientist, painter, inventor, architect, geologist, botanist and doctor. The text is culled from Leonardo’s own works so that this imaginary interview recreates his real Renaissance idiom. (Debut - April 21 at the Morgan Library)
  • Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man represents a male figure placed in both a circle and square, as specified by Vitruvius in his treatise De Architectura (On Architecture). A Conversation with Prof. Paola Salvi from the Accademia of Belle Arti, Milan, and the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto
