You chose: caffè

You chose: caffè

  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Francine Segan(February 15, 2020)
    Espresso culture in Italy has deep roots. Coffee first appeared in Europe at the port of Livorno, Tuscany, a city that was also home to Europe’s first coffee bar in the early 1600s.
  • Starbucks in Milan
    Starbucks has opened its first ever branch in Italy. “Dedicated to Milan, the city that inspired our dreams. Every coffee we served brought us here.” This inscription Is on a wall of Starbucks’ newest location in Milan. Why hasn’t Starbucks opened store in Italy until now? Will it succeed? Will it hurt small businesses? Will it change Italians’ habits? Only time will tell, but we can make our modest predictions if we examine the hard data, says Alberto Baudo, owner of Williamsburg’s Fabbrica Why hasn’t Starbucks opened store in Italy until now? Will it succeed? Will it hurt small businesses? Will it change Italians’ habits? Only time will tell, but we can make our modest predictions if we examine the hard data, says Alberto Baudo, owner of Williamsburg’s Fabbrica
  • L'inaugurazione della mostra
    Non è la prima volta che al Piccolo Cafe viene dato spazio alle fotografie. Gli artisti selezionati parteciperanno infatti tutti al Premio Fabrizio Alessandrini, in memoria di un appassionato fotografo amatoriale prematuramente deceduto nel 2002. Quale è la ricompensa? Il Premio Tiramisù (Pick me Up), che consiste in una vecchia macchina fotografica vintage, precedentemente immersa in un barattolo di vernice glossy. Gino Alejandro è uno dei partecipanti a questo concorso. Fino al primo di aprile, tra un espresso, un cappuccino o piatti autenticamente romagnoli, si potrà visitare la sua piccola mostra Rolling NYC - rigorosamente in bianco e nero. Scatti di vita quotidiana, attimi della città che non dorme mai. Foto penetranti e taglienti che giocano con le luci e le ombre della strada.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Fred Plotkin(May 19, 2016)
    Caffè of course means coffee but in Italian it means so much more. It is the place where you go to have a coffee. But above all, it means that wakening in the morning. It means that moment of pause alone or with a friend in the afternoon.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Alberto Baudo(May 18, 2016)
    Why hasn’t Starbucks opened store in Italy until now? Will it succeed? Will it hurt small businesses? Will it change Italians’ habits? Only time will tell, but we can make our modest predictions if we examine the hard data, says Alberto Baudo, owner of Williamsburg’s Fabbrica
  • Nel bicchiere, in vetro or in tazza? Poca or molta schiuma? Boiling or tepid? However you like it, a cappuccino will sure become part of your Dolce Vita in Rome. And can make you understand Italians more than you can imagine...