IDACO: Italian Dance Connection

IDACO: Italian Dance Connection

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"Italian Dance Connection" announces third annual NYC festival, May 30-June 4. New York and Italian artists to connect in a week long contemporary dance performance and art event.

Italian Dance Collection or “IDACO nyc” is here for the 2017 Festival Week, May 30 through June 4. This marks the organization’s third annual contemporary dance and art event in NYC.

A wide variety of artistic styles await audiences, with more than 25 dance companies, artists and filmmakers to participate. Dance workshops, thematic round-tables, site specifics, dance performances and a free, public, opening event on Wednesday, May 31th at 6pm at the Italian Cultural Institute, 686 Park Avenue, will be included in the Festival week.

A weekend of IDACO nyc dance performances will be held at Baruch Performing Arts Center, Friday, June 2nd and Saturday, June 3rd at 7:30pm, and Sunday, June 4 at 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Emerging choreographers and established Italian/international choreographers and artists will be showcased in four different programs of innovative and experimental work. Presentations will also include film screenings and intermission dance performances in theater-specific spaces. Tickets: >>>

“IDACO nyc” 2017 will focus on the theme TransformAction, in an effort to draw attention to artistic responses to ongoing personal, social and political change. Our lives are defined by continuing transformation, by the constant reshaping of our circumstances. The act of making art is a response to this alteration/substitution. The actuality of becoming different drives our actions.

The festival is a platform for Italian artists visiting and living in New York, and for New York artists who want to take part in a dialogue with Italian culture, exploring and sharing their unique paths through movement, choreography and the visual arts. “IDACO nyc” seeks to encourage networking and artistic research between multiple creative resources, cross cultural boundaries and offer an artistic platform while cultivating a sense of shared identity. The organization hopes to create space for new collaborations and offer a supportive, inspiring and creative environment for dancers, movers, performance artists, video artists, musicians, and all creative people interested in the "art of movement."

IDACO nyc was founded by Vanessa Tamburi and Enzo Celli in 2015 and is curated and produced by FLUSSO dance project, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute New York and The Baruch Performing Arts Center and in partnership with INSCENA Festival – Radio Nuova York - VIVO Ballet – Mare Nostrum Elements ECS - Anabella Lenzu Dance Drama - Umanism – Between the Seas – Ticino in Danza – Valentina Celada – Italytime - Italian American Museum.






