The Dehumanization of The “Other”

The Dehumanization of The “Other”

Anthony Julian Tamburri (September 04, 2015)
As some of us heard from Italy’s Chamber of Deputies president Laura Boldrini the other day at the Consulate General of Italy here in New York, over 60 million people are “in flux” throughout the world, as I write. “In flux” is a recently coined phrase that refers, here, to the current world-wide migration that we all witness to some degree or another on a daily basis. What we see for the most part in the news concerns the more recent deluge of an exodus, one can readily state, that occurs throughout the Mediterranean; a flow of human beings that in recent history truly has no equal...


Anthony Julian Tamburri is Dean of The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, (Queens College, CUNY) and Distinguished Professor of European Languages and Literatures. His latest authored book is Re-reading Italian Americana: Generalities and Specificities on Literature and Criticism (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2014).



