20 Outstanding Players, 10 Projects, 5 Avant-Garde Venues
From Italy to New York to celebrate the 10th birthday of the Apulian record label Auand Records with unique and spectacular shows.
Starting tonight to November 5th, some of the most celebrated and creative musicians on the international scene will meet in the world's jazz capital for “AUAND meets NYC,” which features a series of ten concerts in five of the city's most avant-garde venues.
Constantly future-oriented, Auand Records has been producing 88 artists in 29 records since the late 2001, when a young and unknown Gianluca Petrella published his debut album, “X-Ray,” showing off his trombone, which is now renowned all over the world. Marco Valente's label now counts on the talents of Italian exuberant and groundbreaking artists such as Francesco Bearzatti and Francesco Diodati, but also on several international musicians such as Ohad Talmor and Tim Berne.
“There are several reasons why we decided to celebrate the anniversary in NYC,” Marco Valente tells i-italy, “first, one of Auand's main goals is crossing the Italian scene with the NY based scene. Second, I realized that it was easier to get all the musicians together in NY.”
What makes these five days so special is not just the mastery of the stars that represent the first 10 years of Auand: the event provides a chance to meet and exchange ideas (and music) with local avant-garde musicians for possible collaborations and new creative projects.
“NY is full of jazz, of course,” Valente continues, “years ago Italian jazz had a sense of reverential awe but now the gap has been filled and we have a lot of young artists playing high level creative music.”
“AUAND meets NYC” will give music lovers the opportunity to listen and get more familiar with guitarist Francesco Diodati's group Neko (Francesco Bigoni on tenor sax, Francesco Ponticelli on double bass and Ermanno Baron on drums) featuring a special guest: trumpet player Shane Endsley – who is also participating in Ohad Talmor's project NewsReel; with drum player Bobby Previte and his new project Plutino, also featuring Diodati, in an evening that will also welcome Gabrio Baldacci and Tim Berne. In addition to these new projects established groups will also perform, among them we find Bearzatti's Sax Pistols (a trio that features Danilo Gallo on bass and Dan Weiss on drums) and Giancarlo Tossani's Synapser. Saxophonist Ohad Talmor leads NewsReel a group that features Shane Endsley (trumpet), Miles Okazaki (guitar), Jacob Sacks (piano), Matt Pavolka (double bass) and Dan Weiss (drums)... their show will be a kind of round the world fight led by Talmor. Other two groups feature Gaetano Partipilo, Miles Okazaki and Dan Weiss (trio) and Walter Beltrami with Bearzatti, Gallo and Black (quartet).
Among these original projects, only one will have them all mixed up in a powerful and unique gig: A10A10 (Auand 10th Anniversary 10tet), on November 4th at Douglass Street Music Collective, is an all-star big band made up of the best Auand musicians plus trombone guru Ray Anderson as a special guest.
“Auand Meets NYC” has spotted five nu-jazz cradles (Smalls, Zebulon, Barbès, Douglass Street Music Collective and Seeds) to host these brilliant and original Italian musicians.
“All artists involved in the festival recorded for Auand in the past. The locations were contacted months ago thinking about the right target for our music. They are venues where this kind of music has been played for years,” Marco Valente continues. “The musicians involved in the festival have their own sound. I mean they don't try to sound American like many jazz musicians do. Also they don't even try to play 'mandolino' style. So they have got their own way of making music.”
“AUAND meets NYC” challenges the world's most demanding audiences and acts as incubator for the development of new projects with an international flair.
Complete Program
Tue, November 1st @ Smalls, 183 W. 10th St. (at 7th St.,Manhattan, NY)
(212) 252-5091 - http://smallsjazzclub.com - Admission: 20$
Subway: 1,9 to Christopher Street, A,C,E,F to West 4th Street
7:30pm - FRANCESCO DIODATI NEKO (F.DIODATI guitar, F.BIGONI tenor sax, F.PONTICELLI doublebass, E.BARON drums) + SHANE ENDSLEY trumpet
9:00pm - SAX PISTOLS (F.BEARZATTI tenor sax & clarinet, D.GALLO bass, D.WEISS drums)
10:30pm - OHAD TALMOR NEWSREEL (S.ENDSLEY trumpet, O.TALMOR tenor sax, J.SACKS piano, M.PAVOLKA double bass, D.WEISS drums)
Wed November 2nd @ Zebulon (258 Wythe Avenue Brooklyn, NY)
(718) 218-6934 - http://zebuloncafeconcert.com - Suggested donation
Subway: L to Bedford
9:00pm - BOBBY PREVITE PLUTINO (J.SINTON baritone sax, F.DIODATI guitar, B.PREVITE drums)
10:00pm - GABRIO BALDACCI guitar & TIM BERNE alto sax
Thur, November 3rd @ Barbes (376 9th St, Brooklyn, NY)
(347) 422-0248 - http://barbesbrooklyn.com - Suggested donation
Subway: F to 7th Ave
10:00pm - GIANCARLO TOSSANI SYNAPSER (O.TALMOR sax tenore, G.TOSSANI piano, D.GALLO double bass, E.BARON drums)
11:00pm - GAETANO PARTIPILO alto sax, MILES OKAZAKI guitar, DAN WEISS drums
Fri, November 4th @ Douglass St. Music Collective (295 Douglass St. b/w 3rd and 4th Ave., Brooklyn, NY)
http://295douglass.org/ - Suggested donation
Subway: D, N, R to Atlantic Av or to Union St. 10 mins walk from subway station
8:00pm - A10A10 (S.ENDSLEY trumpet, G.PARTIPILO alto sax, O.TALMOR tenor sax, F.BEARZATTI tenor sax & clarinet, G.TOSSANI fender rhodes,F.DIODATI guitar, G.BALDACCI guitar, F.PONTICELLI bass, D.WEISS drums) + RAY ANDERSON trombone
Sat, November 5th @ Seeds (617 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY)
(718) 399 6141 – http://www.seedsbrooklyn.org - Suggested donation
Subway: 2,3 to Bergen. B,Q to 7th Ave
8:30pm - WALTER BELTRAMI (F.BEARZATTI tenor sax & clarinet, W. BELTRAMI guitar , D.GALLO bass, J.BLACK drums)
10:00pm - Party&Jam Session
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