Women in the World Summit & Emma Bonino

Women in the World Summit & Emma Bonino

(March 05, 2011)
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Thusday March 10 marks the beginning of the second edition of the Women in the World Summit in New York, an event that gathers women worldwide committed to the fight against gender discrimination. The goal is to raise international awareness and take a strong stand in issues regarding women around the world. Italy will be represented by Emma Bonino

The event is organized by The Newseek Daily Beast Company. Important names among the participants are Hillary and Bill Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Madeleine Albright, the director of UN Women Michelle Bachelet, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation Judith Rodin, the president of the Goldman Sachs Foundation Dina Habib Powell, the director of the World Bank Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and many female journalists, actresses, senators and judges.

Italy will be represented by Emma Bonino, who for years has been committed in campains in favor of women in the Middle East and Northern Africa, where fighting for these values can mean being in great danger.

Bonino supported the signing of the Maputo Protocol on rights for African women, she  collaborated with the Yemenese government and the NGO “Nessuna pace senza giustizia” in organizing the first Regional Intergovernmental Conference of the Arab world on “Democracy, human rights and the role of the International Penal Court”, supporting the participation of women to political life and elections; she collaborated with the Afghan activists at the first international conference entitled “Donne in marcia per l'Afghanistan”; she visited Iraq after the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime, meeting with the associations of women, who are still fighting to be able to vote; she also fights for the elimination of female gender mutilation.

Emma Bonino comes from a long career as an activist for human rights and women rights which began in 1976, the year of her first election with the Radical Party. It was an era of battles for civil rights and Bonino had collaborated with the CISA – the Center for Information, Sterilization and Abortion.

Following is the program of the event:

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6:00 PM   Doors Open to Hudson Theater

6:30 PM   Event Start and Seating

6:45 PM   Welcome

o   Tina Brown, Editor in Chief, Newsweek and The Daily Beast

o   Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Managing Director, World Bank

o   Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook

o    Judith Rodin,     Presidente Rockfeller Foundation

o   Diane von Furstenberg, Fashion designer and President, the Council of Fashion Designers of America


Moderated By: Christiane Amanpour, Anchor, This Week With Christiane Amanpour

Reading by:  Shohreh Aghdashloo, Actress

o        Nawal El Saadawi, Egyptian writer, activist, physician, psychiatrist

o        Dalia Ziada, Egyptian author and activist

o        Sussan Tahmasebi, founder of the One Million Signatures campaign in Iran

o        Wajeha al-Huwaider, Saudi Arabian journalist and activist

7:40 PM   A Conversation with Melinda gates and a Moderator TBA

o       Melinda Gates

8:00 PM    All Go to Eighth Floor

8:15 PM    DINNER

9:00 PM    A Conversation with President Bill Clinton and Tina Brown

o   Tina Brown, Editor in Chief, Newsweek and The Daily Beast 

o   President Bill Clinton, Founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States



8:00 AM   Doors Open & Breakfast

8:30-8:45 AM  Welcome

8:45-9:20 AM   Stealing Beauty

Moderated By: Juju Chang 

Acid violence is a serious and growing problem particularly in South and East Asia and parts of Africa. Approximately 80% of victims are female. Almost half are under 18 years of age. Most often the crime is related to domestic disputes, adultery or as a form of revenge for refusal of sexual advances, proposals of marriage and demands for dowry.  This segment explores the dreadful impact and root causes of this gender-based form of violence as well as the impetus for adopting and implementing new and effective laws that regulate the availability of acid and provide victim with access to justice. 

Note: This panel will contain graphic images of acid violence victims.

o    Dr. Ebby Elahi,  Director, Fifth Avenue Eye Associates and the Virtue Foundation

o       Yem Chhuon, acid attack survivor

o    The Honorable Janet Arterton, United States District Judge

9:22-9:42 AM   Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: Reaching Beyond the Connected World

Moderated By: Cynthia McFadden, Co-Anchor, Nightline, Primetime, ABC News

A conversation with two pioneers on their bold and creative missions to bring modern healthcare to the developing world: Dr. Amy Lehman, who is building a floating clinic to reach 3 million people on the remote shores of Lake Tanganyika, allowing them access to modern health care and Gabi Zedlmayer, a force of nature in the technology business, who is channeling corporate resources into this region, using technology to deliver medical care to remote regions.

o   Dr. Amy Lehman, Founder and Executive Director, Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic

o   Gabi Zedlmayer, Vice President, Global Social Innovation, Hewlett-Packard

9:45-10:25 AM   “No Such Thing”: Trafficking of Girls in the United States

Moderated By: Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent; Host, Andrea Mitchell Reports

Across the United States, between 100,000 and 300,000 children, mostly girls between the ages of twelve and fourteen, are sold for sex by their captors and fear for their lives if they flee.  Underage girls are regularly arrested for prostitution despite that, according to the law, a minor engaging in sex is a crime victim.

o    Introduced By Ashley Judd 

o        Malika Saada Saar, Founder and Executive Director, The Rebecca Project for Human Rights

o        Dr. Sharon Cooper, M.D., FAAP, CEO of Developmental and Forensic Pediatrics, P.A.

o        Doug Justus ,  Retired Police Sergeant

10:25-10:55 AM   Coffee Break

10:55-11:30 AM   Women on the front Lines

Moderated By: Sir Harold Evans

Women journalists and photographers risk their lives to bring the faces and stories of war to the masses.

Note: This panel will contain graphic images and content.

o   Lynsey Addario, American photojournalist

o   Chouchou Namegabe, Co-founder and coordinator, AFEM/SK

o   Lydia Cacho Ribeiro, Journalist, author

o   Caroline Drees, Reuters Managing Editor, Middle East and Africa


Moderated By: TBA

o   Dina Powell, Global Head of Corporate Engagement, Goldman Sachs

o   Divya Keshav,  Owner, Krishna Printernational

12:06-12:30 PM    Making a “Must Have” Economy

Moderated By: TBA

While microcredit has proven highly successful at launching women-run businesses around the world, the next great challenge is helping these entrepreneurs scale up.   This event showcases real success stories--women from the United States as well as Africa and Haiti, and how they're being helped through mentorship to expand from mostly family-run enterprises to medium-sized, self-sustaining business ventures.

o   Diane von Furstenberg, Fashion designer and President, the Council of Fashion Designers of America

o   Rebecca Lolosoli, Matriarch, Umoja Uaso Women’s Village

o   Phelicia Dell, Designer and CEO, VeVe Collections

o   Alyse Nelson, President and CEO, Vital Voices Global Partnership

12:30- 12:45 PM   All Go to Eighth Floor

12:30-2:00 PM  Women in the World Boutique Open

Presented by Vital Voices Entrepreneurs In Handcrafts

12:45 PM   LUNCH

1:15-1:45 PM       Condoleezza Rice & Madeleine Albright:

A Conversation

Moderated By: Lesley Stahl, Correspondent, 60 Minutes

Championing the rights of women would seem to be a natural extension of U.S. foreign policy. But implementing that principle can sometimes prove complicated when dealing with the cultural, social and political realities of allies and adversaries. This discussion between the two former Secretaries of State will highlight the importance and inherent challenges of positioning U.S. policy to support women’s issues around the world.

o  Madeleine Albright, Chair of Albright Stonebridge Group and Albright Capital Management, LLC

o  Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser; Professor of Political Economy, Stanford’s Graduate School of Business

1:45- 2:15 PM    Return to Theatre

2:15- 2:45 PM    China: What Women Want

Moderated By:  Charlie Rose  

o  Melinda Liu, Beijing Bureau Chief, The Newsweek Daily Beast Company

o  Wendi Deng Murdoch, Co-CEO, Big Feet Productions

o  Amy Chua, John M. Duff Professor of Law, Yale University


Moderated By: Cheryl Dorsey, President, Echoing Green

A showcase of ingenious technologies accelerating women’s economic advancement.

o   Jocelyn Wyatt, Social Innovation Domain Leader, IDEO

o   Pam Darwin, Vice President, Geoscience, ExxonMobil  Production Company

o   Eva Walusimbi, Solar Sister, ExxonMobil partner and Ashoka’s Changemaker

3:20-3:55 PM The Marzipan Layer: Why Women Are Stuck in the Middle 

Moderated By: Gillian Tett,  

A no-holds-barred examination as to why so few women –particularly in the United States-- are reaching the top echelons of business, politics, media and public sectors. Featuring data from brand new studies suggesting a backsliding for women across a range of disciplines.

o   Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook

o   Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, United States Senator from New York

o   John Donahoe, CEO, eBay

o   TBA

4:00-6:00 PM   High Tea Break


6:00-6:30 PM   TBD

Moderated By: TBA

o  Honourable Emma Bonino, Vice Chair of the Italian Senate

o  TBA

6:30-7:00 PM  A heroine for our Times: Dr. hawa Abdi

Moderated By: TBA

An interview with Dr. Hawa Abdi, who, in 1983, founded a health clinic on her family farm in Somalia.  Now more than 90,000 refugees live on the farm and abide by Dr. Hawa’s rules in what has become a model civil society.

o    Dr. Hawa Abdi, Founder of the Dr. Hawa Abdi Foundation and HA Village

o    Dr. Deqo Waqaf, OB-GYN, Doctor at Hawa Abdi Hospital

o    melanne verveer, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues


7:30 PM    Depart Hudson Theatre for the U.N.

8:00 PM  The DVF Awards Dinner at the United Nations


8:30-1:00 PM   Women in the World Boutique Open in Theatre Lobby

Presented by Vital Voices Entrepreneurs in Handcrafts

8:30 AM  Doors Open & Breakfast

8:45 AM  Welcome

9:00-9:20 AM   The First 100 Days: Michelle Bachelet in Conversation with Barbara Walters

An interview with Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile and the new Director of UN Women, on the global epidemic of violence against women.

o   Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women

o   Barbara Walters, Creator, Co-Host and Executive Producer, ABC’s The View; Correspondent, ABC News

9:33-9:53 AM   Is Europe Stigmatizing the Veil?

Moderated By: TBA

o   Aayan Hirsi Ali, Author and Founder, the AHA Foundation

9:55-10:35 AM   new ways to lead

Moderated By: Tina Brown, Editor in Chief, Newsweek and The Daily Beast

o   Arianna Huffington, Co-Founder and Editor in Chief, The Huffington Post

o   Susan Sobott, President, American Express Open

o   Amy Guttman, President, University of Pennsylvania

o   TBA

10:35- 10:50 AM   BREAK

10:50- 11:15 AM   National Security is Women’s Work

Moderated By: TBA

o   Jane Harman, President, CEO, and Director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Former Congresswoman

o   Frances Fragos Townsend, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Government, Legal and Business Affairs, MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc.

11:17- 11:37 AM   Two Fates: Zainab Finds Her Sister

Moderated By: TBA

o   Zainab Salbi, Founder and CEO, Women for Women International, interviewed on her life story, her search for her “sister” left behind in Iraq, and the circumstances for women in Iraq today

11:40- Noon   PRESENTING 10 X 10:  10 Girls. 10 Countries. 10 Writers. 10 Compelling Stories.

Introduced By: TBA

10×10 is a groundbreaking film directed by Academy Award nominated director Richard Robbins, a global social action campaign and an extraordinary opportunity. Investing in adolescent girls in the developing world creates a ripple effect of change that transforms families, communities and entire countries for generations.

o   Sokha Chen, student, A New Day Cambodia 


Moderated By: TBA

A program that makes the cross-cultural case for girls’ sports, citing evidence gathered since Title IX legislation that shows how regular exercise, teamwork, nutrition and positive role models all contribute to girls’ development, education, economic opportunity and ability to positively impact the world around them.

o    Anita DeFrantz, President, Member of Board of Directors, LA84 Foundation

12:45- 1:00 PM  Farewell from Tina Brown



