Us and Them. A Distinction Without a Difference
Up to 700 migrants are feared dead after the boat carrying them capsized in the Mediterranean Sea. 700 souls: their hands one moment outstretched towards the future and the next frantically treading water in the useless effort to catch one more breath.
April 19, 2015 : Italy is leading yet another expedition in the mass grave that the Mediterranean Sea has become, fishing out at least 700 bodies from those waters that separate the hopeless from entitled.
700 souls: their hands one moment outstretched towards the future and the next frantically treading water in the useless effort to catch one more breath.
700 souls: put on those boats and pushed off-board by the armed conflicts and political upheavals in their countries, their heads forcefully kept under water by the scum that human traffickers are, time and time again pulled down to the bottom of the sea by our ineffective attempts to deal with a human displacement of such vast scale, their memory ultimately insulted by the hyenas of the political arena quickly trying to capitalize on this carnage of unprecedented proportions.
700 souls lost at sea, many more lost on dry land.
700 people that used to be us, and now it's them.
Us and them, a distinction without a difference.
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