Raphael Gualazzi: The Italian Jazz that Conquers the World
I met Raphael Gualazzi during his first Sanremo Festival in 2011 when he won with his song “Follia D'Amore.” Watch the Official Music Video Videoclip
Raphael, you participated in the Sanremo competition 3 times. How do you feel when you perform on that stage?
The 1st time I came to Sanremo, it was an extraordinary experience… I felt that kind of emotion… just like when you open the door and go out for the first time. It was a brand new musical experience and something completely new for me in general.
Raphael's musical production is so varied. One example is his collaboration with Sir Bob Cornelius from The Bloody Beetroots (click here to watch "Liberi o no"). Raphael is an artist who plays with different musical genres, creating orignial mixes. Check out his latest single “La Fine del Mondo”.
I like what Paolo Nutini replied to a journalist who asked him why he played so many different sounds. He said that music is somehow a mirror on current society. I think this is absolutely true because we live in a globalized world, and it is difficult to describe the whole world with just one genre of music. I enjoy exploring different kinds of music, and I find it hard to select just one sound if you really like music… Making music is my life, my passion, it’s the thing I like doing the most.
As with many others talents discovered by talent scout Caterina Caselli, such as Elisa e Andrea Bocelli, Raphael Gualazzi is well-known in Europe, America, and Canada. This is also thanks to his second place win in the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest. To better understand the passion for music that drives Raphael, we must take his story into consideration.
My whole family had a passion for music. I had a piano when I was 9, and we used to play together… My father had an amazing collection of vinyl records of all genres… This is also the reason why I like different kinds of music. When I was 15 I listened to 60’s and 70’s music. I also had a band that played that kind of music…
What about your Eurovision Song Contest experience?
It was a great experience and a great opportunity… I am very happy to have participated and am very happy with the winner of this year's edition, Salvador Sobral, who brought true music to the audience.
So, Raphael, I can describe you as a new ambassador for Italian Music, right?
I am very proud of being Italian, and I try my best to pay tribute to our country. I am very lucky to have the chance to travel a lot and to visit the most beautiful places in the world thanks to my music.
In autumn the international release of my album “Love Life Peace” will occur in Germany and France, and there will be a whole series of vigorous promotions in both France and Germany.
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