I love Spring but always hate losing sleep over it.Darrell Fusaro (March 13, 2011)Expand1Tonight is the night we all "spring-forward" and turn our clocks an hour ahead. Losing an hour may not be fun but at least I'm not alone. Permalink Print Pdf From the same authorDarrell FusaroWhy Are There Chicks at Easter?Darrell Fusaro The Prospering Power of Thanksgiving Is More Than American 2Darrell FusaroYour Valentine's ItalianRelated Links: http://www.DarrellFusaro.comTags timespringsavingsfusarofunnyforwardfalleasterdaylightdarrellcartoonbunnyben franklinbackaheadCommentsi-ItalyFacebookGoogle+Select one to show comments and join the conversationAdd new comment
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