Do what you love and and money will follow - whether you believe it or not!

Do what you love and and money will follow - whether you believe it or not!

Darrell Fusaro (January 21, 2012)
I loved what I was doing! But little did I know there was a conspiracy brewing.

We all have talent, something we enjoy doing so much that it rarely if ever feels like work.  I would often fantasize about how wonderful it would be to  draw cartoons and earn a living doing so.  I'd imagine myself living like Charles Schultz as in the pictures I'd seen of him; at his drawing table cheerfully illustrating the daily adventures of his Peanuts.  For me that seemed like the ultimate dream job.  I was enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard and shortly after boot camp we drew straws to see who would end up having to do a tour aboard the USCGC Jarvis.  Yep, of course, I drew the shortest straw.  Ever hear the saying, "Do what you love and the money will follow."?  Well, it was obvious that wasn't going to be happening for me anytime soon.  The Jarvis was scheduled to patrol the Bering Sea.  I wasn’t happy.  My fantasy about being in the U.S. Coast Guard was being sun-tanned aboard a flashy speedboat like I had seen on the TV show “Miami Vice.”  My reality however was about to be more like the series, "Deadliest Catch."  I’ll never forget that moment of pulling away from the dock in Honolulu about to set sail to Alaskan waters berating myself, “Now look what you got yourself into!”







