È arrivata la lettera di Bruxelles? Va bene, aspettiamo quella di Babbo Natale". Così diceva Matteo Salvini il 21 novembre scorso. E Babbo Natale lo ha preso sul serio.
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Naples is the quintessential Christmas town, and for many families its Nativity scenes - presepi - represent an accumulation of decades of collecting. The whole street of San Gregorio Armeno, in the heart of old Napoli, is a file of storefronts jammed with Nativity figures. But for 28 years another custom has developed: the wishes people of all ages attach to the 24-foot-tall fir tree known as the "Tree of Desires" in the elegant turn-of-the-century Galleria Umberto I. Their wishes are a slice of Neapolitan life.