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You chose: american schools

  • High School students
    With the beginning of the new school year, La Scuola d’Italia in New York will offer the International Baccalaureate Program to all its juniors as an integral part of their studies. The Program is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and by all the major university institutions worldwide.
  • In the 2018-19 school year two Dual Lan-guage Program will take off: one at PS242 in Manhattan (West Harlem) and the other one at PS132 in Williamsburg. This was made possible thanks to the work done by to Moth-ers: Stefaia Puxeddu and Benedetta Scardovi-Mounier. Their efforts have opened a path and created hope for other parents. At an in-stitutional level, their initiative has the full support of the Italian General Consulate in New York and the Italian American Commit-tee on Education
  • In a recent i-Italy article, “Fighting the Good Fight”, Italophile lamenting about AP Italian continues. But, for Philo-Italian Americana, the “Better Fight” would be over the non-existence of Italian American history and culture in our public schools, colleges and universities.