On the occasion of her performance on June 25 at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, the internationally renowned Italian musician Ada Rovatti tells about her career from the very first steps to her best achievements
You chose: jazz music
People often view the double bass as an awkward and grouchy member of the group. But with its noble origin, it is essential to the sound of a jazz band. Without the double bass as a point of reference, the other instruments would be lost.
Troppo spesso il contrabbasso viene considerato un personaggio ingombrante e di poca importanza per la musica jazz. Eppure è uno strumento - di origini nobili e antiche - fondamentale per il sound dei brani.
Apparently the first form of verbal communication between human beings closely approximated what we might define as a “song,” i.e., the verbal utterance of sounds bound together by a communicative, or emotional, structure. In short, our ancestors talked to one another by using sounds formed by a logic dictated by their feelings or needs at a given time. It’s no coincidence that our voice is known as the “first instrument,” the first means of emitting sounds that were elaborate and pleasing (or displeasing, depending on the case).