Conosco mons. Gennaro Matino non solo dai suoi libri e dai suoi articoli, ma ho la fortuna di averlo sentito predicare, discutere e averlo visto in azione pastorale tra i suoi fedeli e coi suoi confratelli, per tanti dei quali è stato maestro e continua ad essere guida. Conosco la sua fede e la sua apertura al mondo e se potessi scegliermi un parroco, lo vorrei proprio come lui. Ma leggendo il suo ultimo articolo su i-Italy (Voglio bene a papa Francesco, ma…) mi sono trovato in disaccordo con lui.
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I met Mother Theresa in the beginning of the 90’s during my first trip to the city of Calcutta. When I saw her, I immediately felt the sensation of being in the presence of a fragile yet potent woman, physically petite, but a giant when it came to everything she had the strength to do.
After years of criticism, this week the curtain was raised on a drastically improved and better protected Sistine Chapel, through innovative lighting and a bold new air exchange system that will reduce the pollution caused by 6 million visitors a year. Never have its 2,730 square yards of precious wall and ceiling frescoes by Michelangelo, Pinturicchio, Botticelli, Ghirlandaio and other great artists been seen in all their stunning glory.
The Pontiff visits the Holy Land. Compassion is the key to understand his papacy and also the motivating force of this pilgrimage in the land of the great monotheist religions. There is a close connection between compassion and peace, the pain of the other as a way to restart dialogues once interrupted. “My home for Peace. Pope Francis, in the Holy Land, opens up San Peter’s doors and his own home to the revolution of Peace.