Astronaut Luca Parmitano becomes the first Italian and third European to command the International Space Station (ISS), taking over from the Russian Alexei Ovchinin.
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The discovery, published in Nature Astronomy, was made by a team of astronomers from University College London (UCL) lead by Angelos Tsiaras, amongst them the Italian Giovanna Tinetti.
12 light years away, revolving around the Teegarden star, two new sister planets to Earth have been spotted. Involved in the research of this new discovery is Italian "planet hunter" Luigi Mancini.
The first ever picture of a black hole was revealed today, showing what scientists always believed was unseeable. This breakthrough is the result of the project Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), an international collaboration, in which Italy’s National Astrophysics Institute (INAF) and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) participated.
Italy’s first female crew member in the European Space Agency has become a point of pride among young women not just in Italy but everywhere. The engineer/aviator/military astronaut has tackled her work with great professionalism and originality, especially during her recent mission to outer space. All of Italy followed her in real time, on TV and on the web, and her star-born Twitter feed brightened many people’s days.
"Sicilian Space Program" is the project realized by three amateur Sicilian scientists who launched a cannolo into the space.