You chose: sicily

  • Sicilian Space Program - Il cannolo siciliano nello spazio - making of - sub eng
    Facts & Stories
    Giulia Madron(March 07, 2014)
    "Sicilian Space Program" is the project realized by three amateur Sicilian scientists who launched a cannolo into the space.
  • Teatro delle Albe. A Presentation/Workshop on Sicilian Music Tradition Revisited led by Enzo and Lorenzo Mancuso. In collaboration with the John J. Cali School of Music and the Global Education Center at Montclair State University
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Dino Borri(July 11, 2013)
    The evolution of ice cream changes from one century to the next and in the eighteenth century gelato starts being considered a typical Italian product
  • “We are Responsible for the death of the ‘undocumented’” For his first trip outside of Rome, Pope Francis chose the Sicilian island, which symbolized last hope for many immigrants.
  • Grillo's exploit Oct. 10 was the official launch of his party, Movimento Cinque Stelle (M5S), into the Sicilian regional election fray. In the event, Grillo had the last laugh, for when the Oct. 28 ballot boxes were opened, they showed that M5S has bounced up from zero to 14.7%, to become the single largest party in Sicily, well ahead of such rivals as Pier Luigi Bersani's Partito Democratico (PD) on the left and Silvio Berlusconi's Partito della Liberta' (PdL) on the right.
  • Life & People
    Chiara Morucci(September 25, 2012)
    The Italian Cultural Foundation of Casa Belvedere promotes the novel of Anthony Di Renzo “Trinàcria: A Tale of Bourbon Sicily.” In order to support the release of this novel, there has been created an online fund-raising campaign by Roberto Ragone, a means through which he intends to raise the necessary funds to cover the book’s editing, design, printing, promotion, and distribution. The goal is to raise at least $5,000 by December 13 and they are close to reaching it!
