You chose: palatine hill

You chose: palatine hill

  • From gladiators yielding plastic daggers to 3D adventures, the old Colosseum is up to new tricks, which include an exhibition showing its lively post-combat history.
  • View of the Colosseum from the Roman Forum
    The Colosseum, Domus Aurea, Palatine Hill, and Roman Forum, Rome's largest tourist scenes, will receive universal management in order to better focus on physical maintenance and proper distribution of revenue.
  • The Eternal City’s celebration of the second millennium of the death of the Emperor Augustus in that month that takes his name proceeded this week with the formal opening to visitors of newly restored rooms in his palace and of the stunningly renovated Palatine Museum. Augustus was the emperor who famously said, according to Suetonius, that, “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” Today we can say that the archaeological team found an inchoate mass of ruins and left it vastly improved.
  • For lovers of Roman antiquity, among the commemorations of the second millennium of the death of Caesar Augustus on August 19, 2014, is restoration of the fabulous villa owned by the family of his beloved wife, Livia. Elegantly restored with state-of-the-art technology, it now has a small, fascinating mini-museum.