You chose: la mama

You chose: la mama

  • The masterminds behind the 2017 Authors Directing Author Neil LaButte, Marta Buchaca, and Marco Calvani.
    If you love theater, be sure not to miss the AdA (Author directing Author) project at La MaMa theater. This is no ordinary show however; various playwrights put their individual pieces together to form a series of one-act plays around a central theme. However, each one-act play is directed by one of the other writers, not its original author. The show begins January 19th and will be running for three weeks.
  • An intimate audience gathered at La MaMa theater in Manhattan for an "Italian Miracle" and to welcome Dario D’Ambrosi, a luminary in the world of theater for the disabled and founder of "L'Associazione del Teatro Patologico" (Pathological Theater) in Rome. Since its founding, D'Ambrosi's Pathological Theater has grown into a university-level degree called "Teatro Integrato Dell'Emozione" (Integrated Theater of Emotion) at the University of Studies of Tor Vergata.
  • Interview with Alessandro Renda, the actor playing the General in Noise in the Waters playing at La Mama until February 16. The play is a dark, intense monologue written by Marco Martinelli on the tragedy of migrants in the Mediterranean, based on true stories collected and conceived by Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari.