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You chose: italian american review

  • New York is the most “Italian” city in the US. Adding together Americans of Italian descent and Italian citizens living here, the metropolitan area is home to almost four million Italians—which is among the largest concentration in the world after Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Milan, and Rome. This translates into a most robust cultural presence that has its points of reference in a handful of excellent institutions dealing with the Italian and Italian-American experience. In the first of a series, we asked the Dean of the Calandra Institute to describe who they are, what their mission is, and to talk about their many activities.
  • Italian/American Studies will flourish only if it gets the requisite support, first and foremost, from its community in order for it then to be part of the larger discourse. We need to support our artists, writers, and scholars. Italian/American Studies is (some might say should be) becoming more and more part of Italian Studies in the United States. As some of you know, there are a few outlets dedicated to scholarship on the Italian diaspora here in the United States. I am connected to two of them.