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  • Meet artist Margaret Ricciardi, born 103 years ago in Brooklyn to immigrants from Calitri (Avellino). Joining her in as she recounts her family memories and her life as an artist, is Margaret’s niece, Laura Erikson. This interview is a preview, part of the Second Season of the I-ITALY TV SERIES "Grandparents and Grandchildren in Italian America." And stay tuned for the full video.
  • In a recent two-day conference at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, dozens of scholars from the U.S., Italy and elsewhere looked into the global mafia phenomenon from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The guest of honor was Italy’s former Interior Minister Vincenzo Scotti, whose book about the relationship between the Mafia and the State in Italy has just been translated into English.
  • "To show, to demonstrate, to document" in order to tell a story. Using pictures instead of narrative. Above and beyond the stereotype that civilized countries provide. "People portrayed in my pictures are smiling, playing, praying, working, protesting ...". said Stefania in our interview at her home in Brooklyn. She's been in Bolivia, Senegal, Egypt, Afghanistan ... in places and among peoples, in one way or another, extreme. Zamparelli, along with 1800 other artists living in Brooklyn, will take part in "Open Studio," an event designed to promote art. On the 8th and 9th of September the artists will open the doors of their studios to the public. An on-line voting system will decide which of the 1800 artists will exhibit their work at the Brooklyn Museum. Vote for Stefania.If you want you can
  • IN SPITE OF MYSELF. The exquisite monologue by Antoinette LaVecchia on the relationship between an Italian mother and her Americanized daughter. Since the actress is performing again her show this coming Fall, we are republishing the interview we had with her in 2006, when she first presented it to the public
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Mattie John Bamman(August 24, 2009)
    Sergio Botrugno, winemaker at Botrugno Winery, keeps production down and quality high, gaining a small but fervent following around the world. At his winery in Brindisi, Italy, we discussed his winemaking philosophy and methodology.