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You chose: iace

  • Parents, teachers, institutional representatives all gathered in Harlem’s cozy neighborhood pizzeria Sottocasa to celebrate the progress of Manhattan’s first dual language Italian program at the local PS 242. Together they discussed the benefits of bilingualism, shared their experiences and planned for the future of the program.
  • A flag ceremony was held this morning, April 12, 2019, at Harlem’s Public School 242 to celebrate the launch of Manhattan’s first Italian Dual Language Program, an achievement carried out by the “In Italiano” parent association and supported by IACE, the Italian Consulate, and the local Italian community at large.
  • Art & Culture
    MTC(April 04, 2018)
    The number of American students who take Italian classes in the schools of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut has doubled in the last five years
  • Fernando Destefanis, HR director at Diesel, greets students and introduces the lesson.
    Italian clothing maker Diesel is known for its denim and chic fashion designs; however, for some students in New York City—supported by the Italian American Committee on Education (IACE)—the Diesel name will take on a whole other meaning.
  • Celebrated food photographer Francesco Tonelli, in collaboration with Eataly and IACE, awarded Samantha Pugliese winner of this year’s Food in Focus IACE Photography Contest at Eataly New York. Hennessis Veras and Gilian Marinoof were awarded second and third place respectively.
  • Art & Culture
    I. I.(March 30, 2016)
    The art of pizza craft used to deepen understanding of both the Italian language and lifestyle. The workshop is organized by the Italian American Committee on Education (IACE) and it is part of a series of fun and interactive outside-the-classroom educational events (‘Mangia Sano e Parla Italiano’) for American students of Italian aimed to expose learners to the full flavor and richness of Italian language and culture.
  • Events: Reports
    (February 05, 2016)
    American students of Italian American Committee on Education (IACE) visit the Ferrari showroom in Manhattan to learn Italian while designing the car of their dreams
  • IACE annual assembly and award ceremony for the teachers who have brought the largest number of students to sustain the Italian AP exam. The goal was reached one year ahead of schedule: the number of American high school students enrolled in the Italian AP (Advanced Placement) exam this coming Spring has already surpassed 2,500, the minimum that had to be reached by 2016 to keep the test alive. And 60% out of the 2.993 students who signed up to take the exam come from the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, where IACE operates.
