You chose: giuseppe verdi

You chose: giuseppe verdi

  • The 19th edition of Festival Verdi, dedicated to the Maestro, one of the leading figures of Italian Opera known and loved across the globe, will take place in the towns of Parma and Busseto from September 26 to October 20. We asked Anna Maria Meo, the Director of Parma’s Teatro Regio a few questions about the Festival, the Theatre, their rich and varied programming, and about the music of Verdi today. We also spoke with Francesca Campagna, Executive Director of the New York-based International Friends of Festival Verdi, to learn more about this initiative to promote the Festival here in the US.
  • ‘Opera Italiana is in the Air’ returns to Central Park Monday, July 1st at 7pm. A free outdoor concert which will feature works from the famous Italian composers, Giuseppe Verdi, Giacomo Puccini and Gioachino Rossini.
  • Italy’s world-renowned opera composer Giuseppe Verdi marched in this year’s Columbus Day Parade in Manhattan. Verdi was portrayed by actor, director, and playwright Massimiliano Finazzer, who spoke to i-Italy about his experience marching up New York’s Fifth Avenue dressed as the famous composer.
  • Arte e Cultura
    Alex Catti(October 06, 2017)
    Giuseppe Verdi sfila sulla quinta strada? Si quest'annoi il Columbus Day ha un nuovo protagonista che grazie all'idea, regia ed interpretazione di Massimiliano Finarzzer, si incontra con la gente che assiste alla parata italiana piu' importante negli Stati Uniti.
  • Marching on Fifth Avenue? Yes, this year's Columbus Day Parade has a new protagonist, and thanks to the idea, direction, and performance of Massimiliano Finazzer, he will meet the people attending the most important Italian parade in the United States.
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory recita Giusepoe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi alla parata sulla quinta strada con una coreografia coordinata intorno ai Beni culturali tutelati dall’Unesco a “incarnare” la Regione Lombardia con la Fondazione Stelline. Si tratta di un gesto estetico guidato dal volto del più noto compositore italiano sulle note trionfali di un’Aida
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory as Giuseppe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi is at the parade on Fifth Avenue with a coordinated choreography around Cultural Heritage sites protected by UNESCO. A performance personifying the Region of Lombardy and the Fondazione Stelline. It's a beautiful gesture guided by the face of Italy's most notable composer, Giuseppe Verdi, on the triumphant notes of Aida. Be sure not to miss this one-off performance in New York City!
  • Plotkin and Rustioni at Casa Italiana, Photograph by Molly Engelman
    Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò (NYU) airs the fifth episode of "Adventures in Italian Opera" with Fred Plotkin. This episode features Daniele Rustioni, a 34 year old Italian conductor who recently completed his debut at the Metropolitan Opera, among many other impressive milestones.
  • Art & Culture
    Tommaso Cartia(February 23, 2017)
    The international road-show promoting Festival Verdi, an event that every year celebrates the Italian Opera genius, stopped in New York, at the ENIT - Italian Government Tourist Board headquarter on Park Avenue. A set of exceptional personalities presented the event, such as Anna Maria Meo – General Manager of Teatro Regio in Parma and Stefano Bonaccini – President of Emila-Romagna region.
  • Arte e Cultura
    Tommaso Cartia(February 20, 2017)
    Il grande road-show internazionale per la promozione del Festival Verdi, l'evento che ogni anno celebra il genio dell'opera italiana, ha fatto tappa a New York, presso la sede dell'ENIT - Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo, a Park Avenue. A presentare l'eccezionale programma 2017 importanti personalità come la Direttrice Generale del Teatro Regio di Parma, Anna Maria Meo e il Presidente della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini.
