You chose: espresso

You chose: espresso

  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Francine Segan(February 15, 2020)
    Espresso culture in Italy has deep roots. Coffee first appeared in Europe at the port of Livorno, Tuscany, a city that was also home to Europe’s first coffee bar in the early 1600s.
  • Dining in & out
    Amy Riolo(January 12, 2020)
    Panna cotta, Italian for “cooked cream,” is a specialty of northern Italy’s Piedmont region—an area known for its superior dairy products. Panna cotta, or some version of it, has long been popular throughout most of Europe and in other countries along the Mediterranean.
  • Italians live for their coffee, the sheer number of bars in Italy only shows how serious the locals are with regards to their coffee. But one can easily forget that coffee beans are neither grown nor harvested in any part of Italy. The more appropriate statement is, the best coffee is roasted and blended in Italy.
  • Starbucks in Milan
    Starbucks has opened its first ever branch in Italy. “Dedicated to Milan, the city that inspired our dreams. Every coffee we served brought us here.” This inscription Is on a wall of Starbucks’ newest location in Milan. Why hasn’t Starbucks opened store in Italy until now? Will it succeed? Will it hurt small businesses? Will it change Italians’ habits? Only time will tell, but we can make our modest predictions if we examine the hard data, says Alberto Baudo, owner of Williamsburg’s Fabbrica Why hasn’t Starbucks opened store in Italy until now? Will it succeed? Will it hurt small businesses? Will it change Italians’ habits? Only time will tell, but we can make our modest predictions if we examine the hard data, says Alberto Baudo, owner of Williamsburg’s Fabbrica
  • 100per100 Italian Pizza: ex aequo per Ribalta e Sorbillo
    Lo scorso 30 giugno, presso la Scavolini Soho Gallery di New York, l’associazione culturale no profit I Love Italian Food ha dedicato un’intera serata a tutte quelle realtà che si sono distinte recentemente nell’attività di promozione dell'autentica cucina italiana, premiando le migliori in base a sei categorie principali: Espresso, Gelato, Menu, Pizza, Chef e Ristorante.
  • 100per100 Italian Pizza: ex aequo for Ribalta and Sorbillo
    On June 30, the Gala organized by the cultural association I Love Italian Food, hosted by Scavolini Soho Gallery, was dedicated to all those realities which distinguished themselves for promoting only authentic Italian cuisine in New York. The special guests were awarded according to six main categories: Espresso, Gelato, Menu, Pizza, Chef and Restaurant.
  • The freshly planted Starbucks-sponsored palm trees at the Piazza Duomo were set alight following protests with a racist tinge alleging “Africanization” and the recent outcry over the chain's planned arrival in Italy.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Alberto Baudo(May 18, 2016)
    Why hasn’t Starbucks opened store in Italy until now? Will it succeed? Will it hurt small businesses? Will it change Italians’ habits? Only time will tell, but we can make our modest predictions if we examine the hard data, says Alberto Baudo, owner of Williamsburg’s Fabbrica
