You chose: enit

You chose: enit

  • From the presentation at the ENIT headquarter inside the Italian Cultural Institute New York.
    At the start of its winter season, Alitalia gives a presentation at ENIT’s New York headquarters, highlighting new developments and enhancements. New Alitalia's Chief Commercial Officer, Fabio Maria Lazzerini, spoke about them focusing on the American market and luxury accommodations.
  • A vibrant tricolor FIAT 500, with a bold i-Italy sign speeds through the streets of Manhattan under a light rain, causing surprise and curiosity amongst onlookers, and reminds the many Italians in the city of the Festa della Repubblica, which was celebrated once more at the Italian Consulate General in New York.
  • The Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and of Tourism in visit in New York. Dario Franceschini presented the government plan Art Bonus and the cultural program for Expo 2015 at the Italian Cultural Institute and at the Consulate General. “Investing in culture is good for minds, and spirits of Italians, as wells as for the Italian Economy”
  • Good news for youth between the ages of 18-25: thanks to Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, which teamed with ENIT, you can now win your dream trip to Italy in the Dream It Contest. Older than 25? Have fun voting for your favorite entry!
  • The Italian National Tourist Board organized “The Importance of The Grand Tour of Italy for College Students,” which took place at the Italian Academy of the Columbia University.
  • An exciting day for the city of New York: The Consulate General of Italy has organized – as a prelude to the annual Festa della Repubblica on June 2nd – a treasure hunt around the city. Uncovering precious Italian treasures all over the island of Manhattan. Great turn out and enthusiasm.
  • A little over a year before the official opening of the Expo 2015 in Milan (Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life), the neighboring region of Piemonte is preparing to offer the international public an extraordinary number of events and tourism initiatives. Such programs have recently been introduced to American tour operators at the offices of the Italian Tourist Board
  • Discover Expo Milano 2015
    The universal non-commercial exposition "Expo Milano 2015" will be hosted by Milan, Italy, between May and October 31, next year. "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" is the theme chosen for this edition. A topic that merges in a global scenario innovation, culture, technology, traditions and creativity, and their relationship to food and diet. A conversation with Piero Galli, Event Management General Director of the Expo.
  • Eugenio Magnani, director of the Italian Government Tourist Board, in the company of Hon. Natalia Quintavalle, Consul General of Italy in New York, Alberto Perruzzini, director of the Regional Agency of Tourism Toscana and James Bradburne, director of the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation, presented Destination Tuscany 2014, a special event organized by Regione Toscana to re-introduce the beloved tourist destination and its new opportunities and novelties
