Immediately after the earthquake, many Italian civilians contacted the authorities to offer their help as volunteers in the rescue activities, but there are several ways to contribute even for those who are not able to participate in person. Find ways to donate money to Emilia-Romagna below.
You chose: caritas
We went to Termini Station where there is a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, and the Don Luigi Di Liegro health clinic run by Caritas. In the past there would be illegal immigrants and other marginalized members of society. Many who were forced to fight for survival could find a roof over their heads and something to eat. But today there is a new category of people, the so-called “new poor” – ordinary people, recently retired workers, women with downcast eyes who are ashamed, the unemployed, separated fathers who can’t make ends meet until the end of the month. We see them in front of the soup kitchen and they ask us not to be photographed, but they agree to tell their stories.
The Catholic charity Caritas announced that there has been a 80.8% rise in requests for help at its offices across Italy during the four years of economic crisis from 2007 to 2010. Most requests were for help in getting out of poverty while some sought assistance in getting jobs or solving family issues.