Two Years of Energy

Two Years of Energy

(November 14, 2009)
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"I’m really proud to have spent eight to ten hours a day revitalizing an institute, revitalizing the Italian image in America", said Renato Miracco on his last day as Director of of the Italian Cultural Institute of New York. Here you can find the English translation of the video we shoot at the Institute. i-Italy wishes him the best in his commitment to promote the Italian culture at the highest levels.

This is my last day of work here and taking stock of past activities is, well, unfortunately inevitable.  

I remember when I first arrived here, I had previously been here for many exhibits that I curated with NYU, etc., and I remember the atmosphere here. I’m really proud to have spent eight to ten hours a day revitalizing an institute, revitalizing the Italian image in America. I leave this place with the most important thing: at this time I leave an energy that permeates the walls. It’s the color white, it’s the renovated floors, it’s the renewed energy that’s here – this is my gift to Italy at this time. Energy not only means the things that occurred, but energy in terms of the people who work here and their enthusiasm for their work; energy also means the new image of Italy.  


To be stopped on the street and for people say, “I am once again proud to be Italian.” This, believe me, this moment is something that I cherish in my heart. And if I experience moments of sadness after being here only two years, this will make me very happy. I don’t know if I am able to communicate the happiness, the joy that I did something for my country that you can see and that others will remember. Believe me, guys, not by everyone. I know that it cost me a lot, I know what a pain it was, to say the least, very much so. And when I look back on these days, every now and then I repeat these lines by Ezra Pound:  

What you really love remains.  

The rest is trash.  

What you really love will not be destroyed.  

What you really love will be your legacy.  


There it is. I bequeath energy, respect, happiness, joy, pride, and a return to being Italian – this is what I leave. This is my legacy.

(Translated by Giulia Prestia)

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