- Nairobi City, Kenya
- A.I.I.K. Logo
- The newly-launched Mombasa-Nairobi SGR line
- Paolo Siniscalco, co-founder of the Italian accounting firm Siniscalco & Partners
- Paolo Siniscalco taking the stage at the conference
- I am convinced that the only way to enter into a country is to share culture aspects and to insert yourself among other people.That’s what should be done in African countries. We shouldn’t be conquistadors. Conquistadors are not welcome. They’re seen as a foe. Paolo Siniscalco
- From the left Marta Eleonora Paiar; Nancy Wamaitha; Andreas Dal Santo; Massimo Tommasoli; Sunir Chandaria; Eliane Ubalijoro
- Maurizio Forte, Trade Commissioner and the Italian Trade Agency in New York’s Executive Director for the USA.
- Marta Eleonora Paiar, Chief Sales Officer in Digicel in Central America. Moderator of the event
- Dr. Eliane Ubalijoro, Professor of Practice for Public Private Sector Partnership at McGill Montréal University
- Sunir Chandaria, Principal Conros and Honorary Consul of Kenya in Canada
- Massimo Tommasoli, Permanent Observer for International IDEA to the United Nations
- Andreas Dal Santo, Director of Research, Italian Central Bank – Director, Solidus Capital Group LLC