IEF - Italian Export Forum, the first and only itinerant format specifically dedicated to the export of Made in Italy will come to New York on January 27.
The founder of IEF is Lorenzo Zurino, a 35-year-old Italian entrepreneur with over ten years of experience in the distribution of high-end Italian food products in the US. Last year he received the NIAF award as Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
"Next January 27, we will discuss prospects, trends, and problems pertaining to the economic relations between Italy and the United States," Mr. Zurino says. "The event, like the ones that took place last year in Piano di Sorrento and Milan, intends to facilitate the encounter of Italian companies with public and private American institutions."
The participation of prestigious speakers coming from different sectors testifies that the need of encounters and discussions on this subject is widely shared.
Participants will include: Nello Musumeci (President of the region of Sicily), Andrea Benetton (CEO of Cirio Agricola and Maccarese Agricola), Giovanni Colavita (CEO of COLAVITA USA), Michael M. Endico (Vice President of Endico Corp.), Monica Mandelli (Managing Director of KKR and Vice President of Endeavor Italy), Antonella Salvatore (Director of the Center for Professional and Continuing Education and Career Services of John Cabot University - in connection from Rome), Gianfranco Sorrentino (President of Gruppo Italiano), Rocco Totino (Partner of Studio Grassi - Moore Stevens New York). The event will be introduced by Lorenzo Zurino and presented by journalist Francesca Di Matteo (co-founder and partner of Your Italian Hub Comunication).
“The export sector is fundamental for our economy and the United States is the third market for Italian companies. The two countries are bound by truly unique economic, historical, and social relationships,” states Mr. Zurino. “That’s why I wanted to bring it to the US, a country to which I am closely attached both personally and professionally."
The first edition of the Italian Export Forum to be held outside of Italy will discuss how to help Italian companies to export more and better, both to the US and other world markets.
The first two editions took place in the Summer 2019 in Piano di Sorrento and in Milan, and sported highly successful thematic roundtables and plenary meetings on the main issues affecting Italian export. Over 300 companies and 60 top managers took part in these events, including the President of Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia, who congratulated the initiative.
Being aware of the full picture can help Italian businesses determine where and how to position themselves on the global market, adjust supply based on demand and identify new opportunities.
Such a platform may also be a useful tool for Italian institutions engaged in supporting the internationalization of the country; it would help them to become fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses of Italy's export business and make better decisions as to where and how to allocate public support.
The event will present analyses, exchanges, and discussions specifically dedicated to key actors, established players and would-be newcomers in a business that is worth hundreds of billions of euros.
As an “itinerant think-tank”, IEF is the ideal context for all the stakeholders in the Italian export business to obtain a cohesive and comprehensive picture of what Italy can offer to the world.
January 27th 2020
from 4.00 pm to 6.15 pm
Attendance to the "Italian Export Forum" is free-of-charge
Please RSVP team@youritalianhub [2]
SVA - School of Visual Art - SVA - Theatre
333 W 23rd St
New York, New York
The New York edition of IEF is supported by John Cabot University [4], the most important American University in Italy, La Lega Filo d'Oro, [5]a non-profit, which for the past 50 years has been dedicated to support and rehabilitate deafblind and multisensory impaired people, Grassi & CO [6], Gruppo Italiano, and Your Italian Hub [7] Corporation.
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[2] mailto:team@youritalianhub?subject=Italian%20Export%20Forum%20-%20registration