Milan is the host of this year’s World Expo [2]that began on May 1 and will last until October 31, 2015. Over these six months, Milan will serve as a hub for over 140 countries to showcase their solutions to the very real question of guaranteeing wholesome and sufficient food to our world without exhausting its resources.
With her Let’s Move! [3] campaign celebrating its fifth year, U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama attends the Expo in Milan with a presidential delegation on June 17-18. The delegation will tour the USA Pavilion, named “American Food 2.0: United to Feed the Planet,” and lend its voice to the global dialogue on issues of food security, innovation, sustainability, nutrition and health. This visit is part of a trip the First Lady is taking, along with her mother and two daughters, to London, Milan and Vicenza, Italy.
The First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative is dedicated to ending childhood obesity in America within a generation and promoting heather families and communities. Her presence at the Milan Expo reinforces the White House’s commitment to a healthier America and ensuring that its youth lead healthy lives. First Lady Obama underlined that these food issues are not uniquely American. According to the World Health Organization [4], obesity worldwide has more than doubled since 1980.
“No matter where in the world we live, we all want healthy, nutritious food for our families,” said First Lady Michelle Obama. “I’m thrilled for our Delegation to have this opportunity to represent the United States at this important global event; to discuss shared values and best practices with other participating countries as we continue to strive to support a healthy America.”
In addition to attending the expo, First Lady Obama also met with Italy’s Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, his wife Agnese, and their daughter Ester. Before heading back home to D.C., the First Lady will also visit members of the military stationed in Vicenza, Italy, as well as tour the cultural sites of Venice.
Source URL: http://iitaly.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/michelle-obama-attends-milan-expo-promote-healthy-eating
[1] http://iitaly.org/files/expomilanmichelleobamadelegation1434574351jpg
[2] http://www.expo2015.org/en/learn-more
[3] http://www.letsmove.gov/
[4] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/