- Anne Frank iconic and historical image vilified by the Lazio team fans
- Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni during the conference at Lincoln Ristorante
- Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni
- It was really surprising to discover the interest that there is around the Talmud. People are interested in understanding and learning about diversity. Riccardo Di Segni
- Professor Clelia Piperno during the conference
- The Talmud’s method is very active, and it’s a living text. Our project is an approach to democracy. Respect is the key to democracy, and in the Talmud, there is a great deal of respect. Clelia Piperno
- Clelia Piperno and Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni
- One of the volumes of the Italian translation
- Lazio team fans
- Claudio Lotito, President of the Serie A football club S.S. Lazio
- Everything is crumbling down, and what’s happening in stadiums is a symptom of it. It’s an old problem. People have always trivialized and exploited symbols and models. Only until a certain point though. The collapse of this mental block, of every limit, needs to be highlighted. Riccardo Di Segni
- I believe that this is a great opportunity for Italian soccer and for president Lotito in particular. If instead of proposing his soccer players with a trip to Auschwitz, he were to buy 100 copies of the Talmud, and give them to the families, and explain that the Jewish culture is a living thing, perhaps the next time they’ll have more respect. Clelia Piperno
- Anne Frank iconic and historical image vilified by the Lazio team fans