- Francesco De Gregori in concert
- I like the idea of being a man who leaves home to go work 50/60 concerts a year, and I’m very happy to do it. I played a lot in Italy, and every so often I like to go abroad in order to leave space for other musicians. Francesco De Gregori
- The Town Hall in New York
- I don’t love the sound that people listen to on the private radios. It all seems to have the same sound. I live in another world. I’m not the best person to judge today’s music, but I know Italians know how to do–they know how to play. Francesco De Gregori
- Il nuovo album "Sotto il vulcano"
- America has given me a lot in terms of literature, culture, and music. Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, African-American music, blues. For me, playing in America is like going back to where so many things were born. I took them and made them mine. Francesco De Gregori
- The CD "De Gregori Canta Bob Dylan - Amore e Furto"
- Lucio Dalla
- Francesco De Gregori and Lucio Dalla
- Francesco De Gregori