Julia Fierro [2] is the author of Cutting Teeth, which was included in Library Journal’s “Spring Best Debuts” and on “Most Anticipated Books of 2014″ lists by HuffPost Books, The Millions, Flavorwire, Brooklyn Magazineand Marie Claire. Julia’s work has been published, or is forthcoming, in Guernica, Poets & Writers, Glamour and other publications, and she has been profiled in the L Magazine, The Observer and The Economist. In 2002, she founded The Sackett Street Writers’ Workshop [3], and what started as eight writers meeting in her Brooklyn kitchen has grown into a creative home for over 2500 writers. She is a graduate of The Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was a Teaching-Writing Fellow, and lives in Brooklyn with her husband and their two children.
Source URL: http://iitaly.org/magazine/events/reports/article/iawa-welcomes-cutting-teeth-author-julia-fierro-and-poet-joanne
[1] http://iitaly.org/files/38348cuttingteeth1404603444jpg
[2] http://www.juliafierro.com/author/
[3] http://sackettworkshop.com/
[4] http://www.bordigherapress.org/PoetryPrize1.html
[5] http://www.sidewalkny.com;%20
[6] http://www.corneliastreetcafe.com
[7] http://iawa.net
[8] http://marialisella@aol.com
[9] http://%20amybbarone@gmail.com